Sunday 24 November 2013

24 Nov 2013 - Bandung Here We Come

Bandung Learning Journey (Group 1)

Day 0 - 24 Nov 2013 

Hi everybody, I am Jeraine. Together with my counterpart Nurmi, we would share with you the highlights of the first day of our Learning Journey to Bandung.

At Changi Airport... 
Our parents looking on anxiously as we were about to take our first trip without them

Group photo with our principal before departure 

Waiting to board the plane to Bandung

On the aeroplane at last...

Getting to know more about one another

Having some fun

Our first meal together, on the aeroplane.

And it was delicious!


Don't worry, Daddy and Mummy! We are fine. See you on Thursday.

No phone during meals please.

Our friend, Alex's first carrot meal

Both Nurmi and I were very excited about this overseas trip. We were also very curious how Bandung looked like. We thought it had many attap houses, hotels and restaurants. We were also looking forward to find out about our hotel, Sukajadi Hotel.

When we arrived at our hotel, we thought the hotel was beautiful.

The little garden outside the lift landing on the 6th floor where we were staying

A 'model' bedroom with the toiletries neatly arranged.
Make a guess whose room is that?

We checked into the hotel and had a rest before going for our dinner. Just when we were resting, a few of our friends left their door access cards in the room and got locked out.  It was very funny. They had to rest in our rooms before the hotel staff came to unlock the room. We told ourselves not to be as careless as them!

We went to a restaurant for dinner. The food was ...

Delicious of course!

This photograph was taken before our meal. :)

Waiting patiently for our first 'Bandung' meal.

Returning to our hotel after that, we had a debriefing and then we all went to bed at 10 pm - Bandung time of course.

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