Saturday 30 November 2013

Day 1 - Komunitas Hong

At Komunitas Hong, we tried our hands on the different traditional games. It was enjoyable and certainly a refreshing change from our tech games. 

Andika, the warrior

Gasing or spinning tops 

Let's see who is the sharp shooter here...

I made my own keris!

The 3 musketeers

Day 1 - 30th Nov 2013 (Group 2)

Ah... A brand new morning... A brand new adventure awaits...

Day 1 : Komunitas Hong

Today, we visited Komunitas Hong where we learnt about traditional games. We also made some traditional toys using coconut leaves. 

Before setting off to Komunitas Hong, we had some food to fill our growling tummies.. 

The very long table... 

Traditional Indonesian food...

Not a morsel left! It was delicious... :) 

Group 2 Bandung Trip - 30th Nov to 4th Dec

Our group felt excited prior to the trip. Some of us were unable to sleep even though we had to report at the airport at 6 a.m. for our flight. All of us came in red t-shirts so that we can be easily identified. Ms Tan, our Principal was already there with Miss Khor. They also looked excited.

Though some of us were bleary eyed, we were happy to see our friends. Soon after, Mr Idris, our tour guide prepared us to check-in. Mrs Liang and Mr Yong are also our chaperones on this trip. 

We will update you again soon. 

In the meantime, don't miss us too much! :)
And now... Some pictures for your enjoyment...

At the departure hall

Waiting for the others who have not arrived...

Waiting to check-in with our anxious parents looking on...

Danial Haziq with Miss Tan

On the travellator

Making our way to our departure gate...

Yeap... Here we go!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Day 4:Museum Tour

Bandung Geological Museum

When dinosaurs roamed the earth... Hehehe...

post office

Why the sullen face? Did you forget a stamp?
